
THBT Love Will Find The Way

In this house of love, we believe that love is the only thing we need, and somehow love will find the way. from many chambers existed, we only share one chamber of love.

so often we have this case that love does hurt, and we find reasons that love is debatable. there are times when we stand on each other's line as the opponents. you act as the affirmative side of the house and i act as the negative side of the house.

you propose your definition toward the burning love issue and i challenge that. thousands of arguments are given in order to gain the burden of proof what's in the case is urgent.
we give all the reasons, the example, the parameter, the fact, the evidence, the limitation, the mechanism, and the solution, and elaborate them.

during the time that you're talking, i will use my rights of giving you my point of information. i keep thinking of the best rebuttal to break your arguments. to prove that yours are weak and mine are strong. and you will do the vice versa.

the debate goes slowly at first. then it turns faster and faster that it heats the floor and the chamber. until one point we feel that it's time to sum up and to give the reply speech to picture you and i about the whole debate going.
but, so often we cannot end our debate unti we run out of time. that we need to call the time keeper for help.

when we have stopped, we still confuse and unable to decide who's the winner of this debate, since we both declare that each of us deserve to win. so we call upon the adjudicator to give the neutral judgements.

and here comes the verbal
says that we have the clash, that we have a tough debate, that we have the strongest issue, that you have your own style, that my bad i've done barracking.

so, you win the case, babe!!!!

by the end of the day, once again we prove that love does debatable and worth debating.
through times, through rain, through wind, through snow, through storms. we had, have, and will always have the strongest debate concerning the love we have and we share.
and in this house, we still believe that no matter what, love will find the way.

*to the strongest love ever:   "Sarang Heyo"


jangan marah

aku posting ini bukan gara-gara lagi marah terus ga punya tempat pelampiasan. tapi karena pengen aja :)
eits....pembaca dilarang protes apalagi marah-marah. kan sesuai judul.

tapi mau jujur sih....
tadi pas pulang kerja saat sore menjelang maghrib, aku emang sempet kesel and marah-marah sama bikers yang sok aksi dijalanan.
kondisi lalu lintas yang padat, udara sore yang pengap dan penuh polusi, ditambah badan dan pikiran yang capek jadi faktor yang bisa dijadikan pembenaran alasan kemarahan.

padahal, marah-marah sering kali ga bisa menyelesaikan masalah. mungkin malah menambah masalah kalau kemarahan kita tidak tepat.

jadi gimana ya biar bisa marah dengan tepat? marah yang produktif?
ah, aku juga bukan ahlinya dalam hal marah memarahi atau dimarahi.
tapi aku punya beberapa pengalaman tentang marah, memarahi dan dimarahi.

lengkapnya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. ini cerita tentang kakak perempuan ayah yang biasa aku panggil emak. beliau berusia lebih 70 tahun. status beliau sebagia nenek yang rewel sudah terkenal di kalangan cucu-cucunya dan cucu tetangga. suatu saat waktu aku main ke rumah emak, beliau sedang melancarkan aksi marah sambil ngomel-ngomel ke salah dua cucunya. lagi serius adegan perang dunia krucil, si cucu yang sadar sedang dimarahi malah nyletuk... "mak kok marah-marah mulu? kan bosen..capek dengernya"
si emak yang lagi serius marah, dengan entengnya menjawab "ya iyalah marah-marah, mumpung masih idup!!! klo dah mati kan ga bisa marah lagi!!!!"

2. cerita kedua berasal dari seorang rekan guru yang bercerita tentang kelakuan tetangganya. suatu hari, sang ibu tetangga memarahi anaknya yang buannnn..del bangetttt...di depan tetangga yang lain, termasuk ibu guru yang jadi temanku. ditengah-tengah kemarahan, si ibu membandingkan nasib anaknya dengan nasib anak tetangga yang sudah menjadi piatu alias ditinggal mati sang ibu.
"Ben, kamu tuh mustinya bersyukur masih punya mama, makanya jangan bikin mama kesel terus, marah-marah terus. klo mama udah meninggal kayak mamanya Heru, kamu pasti sedih!!!"
Si anak yang diharapkan bakal bertobat dan minta maaf kepada ibunya, malah menjawab sambil ngloyor pergi.. "enak jadi heru dong mah, kan ga punya mama, jadi ga ada yang ngomelin lagi."

3. cerita yang ketiga ini aku sadur dari sebuah buku kumpulan cerita terkenal yang kalau di bahasa indonesiakan judulnya jadi sop ayam. salah satu bagian buku menceritakan tentang istri yang marah-marah dan kesal karena suaminya tidak bisa dan tidak mau membantu pekerjaan rumah tangga yang jumlahnya seabrek-abrek. karena kesal dengan tingkah suaminya yang layah leyeh sementara si istri melakukan semua pekerjaan dari ngepel, nyuci, masak, nyetrika, mandiin anak, sampe potong rumput dan rambut tetangga, sang istri bercerita dengan nada yang sangat kesal..."Ted, you know our neighbor Bob? He always helps Nancy to do the housechores and he's kindda good at it. So if one day Nancy leaves home or die, Bob will be able to survive the house and the kids. i just wonder Ted, what would you do if one day i leave this house or die? since you cannot do any of the chores. i bet you'll never be able to survive"
dan sang suami yang bernama Ted, menjawab tanpa berpaling dari koran yang sedang dibacanya.. ...."well, i simply need to move to Bob's house then."

masih mau marah-marah kah???????



moments of Jogja

1. the funniest moment
    Fadya picking up a garbage bag, thinking it was our goodie bag :)
2. the most precious moment
    to have known that the team was standing for the octo final
3. the most confusing moment
    finding our way to mac donald based  on emang becak direction
4. the most heart breaking moment
    Fadya cried on the stairs after beaten twice in a row
5. the most exciting moment
    seeing Dinni and Arifah
6. the moments i giggled at
    to hear Adhiya said "Ok..because the time is up....." everytime the time keeper knocked three times :)
7. the moments i love
    teasing April with shallow riddles along the way of Cirebon-Jogja back and forth
8. the most wanted moments
    Eating time --- wonder how the kids are hungry all the time, especially Adhiya....
9. the most stress relieving moment
    talking heart to heart with Arifah (big thanks to you my honey bunny sweety doctor to be :D )
10. moments of sounds
      a. irritating sound for Fadya
          to hear the clicking fingers
      b. sound echoing in my head
          to..toot..to..toot.. (April's message alert tone)
      c. funny sound for all
          Adhiya's version of "doko demo doa.."

happy Jogja
' I'll be back'


you and rain

it's the second day of november...
and rain, where are you???

i miss november rain
and i miss you
says you'll be home by november

i'm waiting,
waiting for the rain
waiting for you

need to feel your warm fragrance
while the cold rain's running through my skin
walk with you hand in hand
counting the rain till the drops end

bare feet
we step the path
and the naked rain
makes us wet

through the rain
we hold up tight

i miss you
i miss the rain
i'm wating for you
waiting for the rain
